Thursday, May 23, 2013

New Tapestry - Lion King Ideas

Tossing around ideas for a new tapestry.  This one as a baby gift for David & Kenzie for Austin.  A little time yet, but you know how that goes.  Aug. 12 will be here in no time.

So, the theme for the baby's room is Lion King.  I'm assuming the Disney version, but I could go with the Broadway version if something catches my fancy.

Disney version

Broadway version

Ooh, this is a nice one.


And so is this one.


The staging lends itself verry nicely to tapestry motifs.




I'm liking a gazelle, perhaps in front of the iconic sun/moon?

The meercats are kinda kewt too.


Googling lion cubs now.  I can cartoon it up a bit, with a circle motif behind.  Nice and graphical.

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